Monday 31 August, 2009

Panneer - the Indian cheese

Most of you I know would love the dishes made out of panneer like panneer butter masala, palak panneer, panneer mutter masala etc etc. The mouth watering list goes on :)

Many times we would get panneer from shops and prepare these dishes. This may not be a better idea as the panneer you get at shops may not be fresh.

So here I tell you how to make fresh panneer at home instantly. This takes less than 10 minutes and is very simple.

Thanks to my friend Akshi Bhansal for actually telling me how to do this.

May be you should thank one of my blog readers (Chaitanya) based on whose request this blog is written in the interest of others.

Milk 1 ltr serves 2 people.
Lemon small size - 1

Heat the milk in a container until the cream starts collecting on the top.
Then squeeze the lemon so that the juice splits the milk.
Continue to heat so that the split milk condenses. May be upto another 5-10minutes.
When the solid particles in the milk have condensed to form small lumps and the water part is separated, you can switch off the stove.
Now filter the watery part by using a white cloth. After you filter, in the same cloth quickly(if it becomes cold then you will not be able to get that nice panneer surface) put in the rest of the white solid filtrate and fold the cloth and place it on a plane surface with heavy weight over it to compress. Leave it for about 15minutes and then remove the weight.
Panneer is ready to be cut and used in your dishes.